"Mail Order Opportunity Programs & Services"
Your source for mail order marketing & services 

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Opportunity Seekers

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"join the scores of thousands now operating their own home-based business"...
Each dealer listed below has some very special details, ideas or information for you to review. You no doubt will find just what you are looking for — in the area of mail order opportunity marketing and related services.

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~ Dealer Articles, Dealerships & Services ~
( Click on links below to access informative circulars)
• Blazing Grant's... We print And Mail 1,000 Flyers Like This (One Time) With Your Name & Address In #1 Position. When prospects Join, we will print & Mail 1,000 Flyers for three for them FREE. (146EJ1-24c25)
Turn $10 (One Time) Then $30 Per Month into A Lucrative, Residual Flow of Cash! No Computer or Internet Needed. Excellent Follow-Up System to Minimize Dropouts! (326AB12-24c25)
Real Cash-Flow Funnel... is an automatic selling system that generate Ever-Growing Cash-Flow for you. YOU market the system by mailing Letters of Postcards. This very persuasive selling system gets people to "Walk Over Broken Glass" to BUY what we sell. (326AB10-24c05)
Successful Young Pretty Woman Holding Dollars in Two Hands with Stock ... • You are Invited to Join Our Private Cash Gifting Club... $25 Cash Miracle Plus $50 Fast Start Referral Bonus. Everyone must personally recruit 1 active member to enter into phase 3 or you may lose your Spot. (921RF7-24c25)

 Super Cash Blaster ... This opportunity is designed for you to earn a HUGE AMOUNT in a very short period of time. Total cost if all 10 levels filled ONLY $7,500 & 7,500 F/C/Stamps When you join this program (606RT1-25c25)
The Quick Response Cash Letter... is going to Blow your Mind and WILL FLOOD YOUR MAILBOX WITH $100 CASH BILLS. you do not have to talk to anyone to run this program! No Selling, No Explaining, Not One Phone Call!! (140KE12-24c25)
 • In today's economy with inflation at a 41 year high, we ALL need an extra income to survive these inflationary times that we're experiencing. "$10 CASH Generator" Over ... $200,000 Just from mailing 200 flyers!! (140KE8-24c25)

• "Who wants to be a Millionaire" .... We've watched the popular TV game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". Have you ever dreamed of becoming a -- Millionaire? I'm sure, you have! This is "Dream come True"!! (140KE7-24c25)

 "YOU Can get $100's In Your Mailbox Almost Every Day Like We've Been Doing for the Past 22 Months!" No Internet or Computer? Simply send this flyer back to me With Your Name and Address, and I'll get your FREE Starter Kit out to you ASAP! (140KE7-24c25)

Lottery... It's YOUR Lucky Lottery Day to Win BIG Jackpot Money! Simply send Three $20 and Three $10 Unscratched Lottery Tickets from your state to the Dealer below, along with $10 Cash. (482RL6-24c25)

THE BIG $30!... A Private Lottery Club! Most $30 Scratch Off Tickets Have a Top Jackpot Prize of 3-10 Million Dollars! For both details Click Here (482RL6-24c25)

• The Only Business Opportunity worth Its Weight in Gold... The value of American Gold and Silver Eagle coins has not only kept pace with inflation but has far exceeded it. (199GH2-24c25)

 Milayna's Magic Mailing... Fully Automated System! No worries! Just plug in GO. Receive LOTS of Tax-Free $20.00 Donations directly deposit in your (If You Want) Bank! (199GH2-24c25)  For Both Details Click Here

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Collection of mail marketing dealers displaying their latest mail marketing dealerships and opportunities. PLUS - see what J. KIRKMAN says is the BEST item to sell by mail. PLUS the BEST way to learn to sell it.

A HOT 50% Dealership Opportunity!
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